Policies and Proceedures

Child Protection Policy

November 1, 2020


The purpose of this policy is to provide written processes about

  1. how the school will respond to harm, or allegations of harm, to students under 18 years; and
  2. the appropriate conduct of the school’s staff and students

to comply with accreditation requirements.


Students and employees, including full-time, part-time, permanent, fixed-term and casual employees, as well as contractors, volunteers and people undertaking work experience or vocational placements at The Village School Gold Coast and covers information about the reporting of harm and abuse.


  • Section 9 of the Child Protection Act 1999 - “Harm”, to a child, is any detrimental effect of a significant nature on the child’s physical, psychological or emotional wellbeing.
    1. It is immaterial how the harm is caused.
    2. Harm can be caused by
      1. physical, psychological or emotional abuse or neglect; or
      2. sexual abuse or exploitation.
    3. Harm can be caused by
      1. a single act, omission or circumstance; or
      2. a series or combination of acts, omissions or circumstances.
  • Section 10 of the Child Protection Act 1999 - A “child in need of protection” is a child who
    1. has suffered significant harm, is suffering significant harm, or is at unacceptable risk of suffering significant harm; and
    2. does not have a parent able and willing to protect the child from the harm.
  • Section 364 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 - “Sexual abuse”, in relation to a relevant person, includes sexual behaviour involving the relevant person and another person in the following circumstances
    1. the other person bribes, coerces, exploits, threatens or is violent toward the relevant person;
    2. the relevant person has less power than the other person;
    3. there is a significant disparity between the relevant person and the other person in intellectual capacity or maturity.

Health and Safety

The school has written processes in place to enable it to comply with the requirements of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld) and the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 (Qld).

Responding to Reports of Harm

When the school receives any information alleging 'harm' to a student (other than harm arising from physical or sexual abuse) it will deal with the situation compassionately and fairly so as to minimise any likely harm to the extent it reasonably can. This is set out in the school’s Child Risk Management Strategy. Information relating to physical or sexual abuse is handled under obligations to report set out in this policy.

Conduct of Staff and Students

All staff, contractors and volunteers must ensure that their behaviour towards and relationships with students reflect proper standards of care for students. Staff, contractors and volunteers must not cause harm to students.

Reporting Inappropriate Behaviour

If a student considers the behaviour of a staff member to be inappropriate, the student should report the behaviour to:

  • any staff member the child feels comfortable reporting to; classroom teachers, teacher assistant or Jakki Benton the Business Manager; or
  • Bianca Nuss, the principal who will receive the report

Dealing with Report of Inappropriate Behaviour

A staff member who receives a report of inappropriate behaviour must report it to the principal (Form: Report of Suspected Harm or Sexual Abuse Form). Where the principal is the subject of the report of inappropriate behaviour, the staff member must inform a member of the school's governing body. Reports will be dealt with under the school’s Complaints Handling Policy.

Reporting Sexual Abuse

Section 366 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 states that if a staff member becomes aware, or reasonably suspects, in the course of their employment at the school, that any of the following has been sexually abused by another person:

  1. a student under 18 years attending the school;
  2. a kindergarten aged child registered in a kindergarten learning program at the school;
  3. a person with a disability who:
    1. under section 420(2) of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 is being provided with special education at the school; and
    2. is not enrolled in the preparatory year at the school.

then the staff member must give a written report (Form: Report of Suspected Harm or Sexual Abuse Form) about the abuse or suspected abuse to the principal or to a director of the school’s governing body immediately.

The school’s principal or the director must immediately give a copy of the report (Form: Report of Suspected Harm or Sexual Abuse Form) to a police officer.

If the first person who becomes aware or reasonably suspects sexual abuse is the school’s principal, the principal must give a written report about the abuse, or suspected abuse to a police officer immediately and must also give a copy of the report to a director of the school’s governing body immediately.

A report (Form: Report of Suspected Harm or Sexual Abuse Form) under this section must include the following particulars:

  1. the name of the person giving the report (the first person);
  2. the student’s name and sex;
  3. details of the basis for the first person becoming aware, or reasonably suspecting, that the student has been sexually abused by another person;
  4. details of the abuse or suspected abuse;
  5. any of the following information of which the first person is aware:
    1. the student’s age;
    2. the identity of the person who has abused, or is suspected to have abused, the student;
    3. the identity of anyone else who may have information about the abuse or suspected abuse.

Reporting Likely Sexual Abuse

Section 366A of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 states that if a staff member reasonably suspects in the course of their employment at the school, that any of the following is likely to be sexually abused by another person:

  1. a student under 18 years attending the school;
  2. a kindergarten aged child registered in a kindergarten learning program at the school;
  3. a person with a disability who
    1. under section 420(2) of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 is being provided with special education at the school; and
    2. is not enrolled in the preparatory year at the school.

then the staff member must give a written report about the suspicion to the principal or to a director of the school’s governing body immediately.

The school’s principal or the director must immediately give a copy of the report to a police officer.

If the first person who reasonably suspects likely sexual abuse is the school’s principal, the principal must give a written report about the suspicion to a police officer immediately and must also give a copy of the report to a director of the school’s governing body immediately.

A report (Form: Report of Suspected Harm or Sexual Abuse Form) under this section must include the following particulars:

  1. the name of the person giving the report (the first person);
  2. the student’s name and sex;
  3. details of the basis for the first person becoming aware, or reasonably suspecting, that the student has been sexually abused by another person;
  4. details of the abuse or suspected abuse;
  5. any of the following information of which the first person is aware:
    1. the student’s age;
    2. the identity of the person who has abused, or is suspected to have abused, the student;
    3. the identity of anyone else who may have information about the abuse or suspected abuse.

Reporting Physical and Sexual Abuse

Under Section 13E (3) of the Child Protection Act 1999, if a doctor, a registered nurse, a teacher or an early childhood education and care professional forms a 'reportable suspicion' about a child “in the course of their engagement in their profession”, they must make a written report (Form: Report of Suspected Harm or Sexual Abuse Form)

A reportable suspicion about a child is a reasonable suspicion that the child

  1. has suffered, is suffering, or is at unacceptable risk of suffering, significant harm caused by physical or sexual abuse; and
  2. may not have a parent able and willing to protect the child from the harm.

The doctor, nurse, teacher or early childhood education and care professional must give a written report to the Chief Executive of the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women (or another department administering the Child Protection Act 1999). The doctor, nurse, or teacher and care professional should give a copy of the report to the principal.

A report (Form: Report of Suspected Harm or Sexual Abuse Form) under this section must include the following particulars:

  1. state the basis on which the person has formed the reportable suspicion; and
  2. include the information prescribed by regulation, to the extent of the person’s knowledge

Child Safety Regional Intake Service contacts:

School LocationRegionPhone
CoolangattaSouth East1300 679 849
Outside of hours
(Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm)
Queensland only1800 177 135


The school will inform staff, students and parents of its processes relating to the health, safety and conduct of staff and students in communications to them and it will publish these processes on its website, staff induction and a hard copy is available in the school office

Accessibility of Processes

Processes relating to the health, safety and conduct of staff and students are accessible on the school website and will be available on request from the school administration in a hard or electronic version


The school will train its staff in processes relating to the health, safety and conduct of staff and students on their induction and will refresh training and review of handling complaints annually at staff meetings as well as requiring the annual completion of the Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ) Connect and Learn Child Protection Training by all staff

Implementing the Processes

The school will ensure it is implementing processes relating to the health, safety and conduct of staff and students by auditing compliance with the processes annually

Complaints Procedure

Suggestions of non-compliance with the school’s processes may be submitted as complaints under The Village School Gold Coast Complaints Handling Procedure


Child Risk Management

November 1, 2020


The purpose of this strategy is to eliminate and minimise risk to student safety in order to ensure the
safety and wellbeing of all students.


Students and employees, including full-time, part-time, permanent, fixed term and casual employees, as
well as contractors, volunteers and people undertaking work experience or vocational placements.

Statement of Commitment 

The Village School Gold Coast is committed to taking all reasonable steps to promote the safety and wellbeing of students enrolled at the school and their protection from foreseeable harm. 1 In practice, The Village School Gold Coast is committed to acting in accordance with the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 (Qld)(“the Act”) to promote the safety and wellbeing of students means that it will implement the measures outlined below.

Code of Conduct

At The Village School Gold Coast, it is expected that employees conduct themselves as follows:

  • School employees are expected to always behave in ways that promote the safety, welfare and well-being of the students. Employees must actively seek to prevent harm to students and to support those who have been harmed.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Employees should avoid situations where they are alone in an enclosed space with a student.
  • When physical contact with a student is a necessary part of the teaching/learning experience, employees must exercise caution to ensure that the contact is appropriate and acceptable. Employees must always advise the student of what they intend on doing and seek their consent.
  • Employees must not develop a relationship with any student that is, or that can be interpreted as having a personal interest rather than a professional interest in a student.
  • Employees must not have a romantic or sexual relationship with a student.

This commitment is evidence of The Village School Gold Coast’s fulfilment of the requirements of Schedule 1 s.2(2).

Recruitment, Selection, Training and Management Procedures

The Village School Gold Coast is committed to recruiting, selecting, training and managing employees in such a way that limits risks to students. In particular, the School will:

  • Ensure that its recruitment and selection procedures act to reduce the risk of harm to children from employees via:
    • Accurate position descriptions, including whether the successful applicant must be a teacher registered with the Queensland College of Teachers for a teaching position, Certificate 3 for a Teacher Assistant and a Blue Card and recent policy check for contractors; along with the responsibilities and supervision associated with the position, the nature and environment of the service provided to students and the experience and qualifications required by the successful applicant.
    • Advertising the position with a clear statement about the school’s commitment to safe and supportive work practices and identifying that candidates will be subject to a teacher registration check or Blue Card screening, a police check, referee checks, identification verification and the requirement to disclose any information relevant to the candidates’ eligibility to engage in activities including children.
    • A selection process that includes assessing the application via an interview process, referee check and other checks (as identified above) based on the accurate position description.
    • A probationary period of employment, which allows the school to further assess the suitability of the new employee and to review the selection process as and if necessary.
  • Ensure that its training and management procedures act to reduce the risk of harm to students from employees via:
    • Management processes that are consistent, fair and supportive.
    • Performance management processes to help employees to improve their performance in a positive manner.
    • Supportive processes for staff when they are experiencing challenges, such as mentoring, mediation, conflict resolution, coaching, additional training, and external support and counselling services.
    • An induction program which thoroughly addresses the school’s policies and procedures, particularly its expectations regarding student risk management and to assist employees to understand their role in providing a safe and supportive environment for students.
    • Training new and existing staff on an ongoing basis to enhance skills and knowledge and to reduce exposure to risks, as follows:
      • the school’s policies and procedures
      • identifying, assessing and minimising risks to students, and
      • handling a disclosure or suspicion of harm to a child.
    • Keeping a record of the training provided to employees.
    • Conducting exit interviews to assist the school to identify broader issues of concern that may impact on the safety and well-being of students at the school.

This commitment is evidence of The Village School Gold Coast’s fulfilment of the requirements of Schedule 1 s.2(3).

Handling Disclosures or Suspicions of Harm

Physical, psychological and/or emotional abuse, as well as neglect and/or exploitation require reporting.

When unsure of what abuse is to be reported to whom, use the Summary of Reporting Harm Table as a guide. However, any concerns or reports should be reported and managed, including:

  • all staff with concerns about sexual abuse or likely sexual abuse,
  • teachers with concerns of sexual or physical abuse, and/or
  • all staff who have received a report of inappropriate behaviour by another staff member.

To report any type of harm, all staff members should use the (Form: Report of Suspected Harm or Sexual Abuse Form)

Furthermore, and in accordance with section 76 of the Education (Queensland College of Teachers) Act 2005, the principal of The Village School Gold Coast will report to the Queensland College of Teachers any investigations into allegations of harm caused, or likely to be caused, to a student because of the conduct of a relevant teacher at the school.

This commitment is evidence of The Village School Gold Coast’s fulfilment of the requirements of Schedule 1 s.2(4).

Managing Breaches of This Child Risk Management Strategy

The Village School Gold Coast is committed to appropriately managing breaches of this Child Risk Management Strategy in accordance with its other relevant policies as appropriate in the circumstances, such as its Child Protection Policy, Staff and Student Code of Conduct and Complaints Handling Policy and Procedure; this is evidence of fulfilment of the requirements of Schedule 1 s.2(5).

  • Implementing and Reviewing the Child Risk Management Strategy
    • This Strategy in its entirety and its related policies and procedures are evidence of fulfilment of the requirements of Schedule 1 s.2(6)(a) relating to implementation.
    • The introduction to this Child Risk Management Strategy and the Compliance and Monitoring section below state The Village School Gold Coast’s commitment to reviewing the Strategy annually and are evidence of fulfilment of the requirements of the Schedule 1 s.2(6)(a) relating to review.
  • Blue Card Policies and Procedures
    • The Village School Gold Coast is committed to acting in accordance with chapters 7 and 8 of the Act relating to the screening of employees in such a way that limits risks to children. In particular, The Village School Gold Coast will:
      • Require relevant prospective or current employees, volunteers, trainee students and school board members to have working with children authority and check the validity and appropriateness of any currently held notices, in accordance with The Village School Gold Coast’s position descriptions and the Act prior to the commencement of their engagement.
      • Not allow a person to continue to work with children if their working with child authority is cancelled or suspended or a negative notice is received after a change of police information.
      • Have all relevant prospective employees and volunteers engaging in Restricted Employment acknowledge and sign a (Form: Restricted Person Declaration Form) declaring they are not a restricted person prior to commencing their engagement.
      • Not allow a person relying on an exemption to continue to work with children if they become a restricted person.
      • Link and unlink individuals as they commence and conclude their engagement with the school on the Blue Card Operations Portal.
      • Appoint an Administrator who will be responsible for managing the working with child screening process and all related documentation and records.
      • Keep written records of all the above actions, decisions and outcomes, including the dates of expiry for working with children authority.
      • Ensure that all information in relation to working with children authority is kept confidential.
      • Act to remind employees to keep their working with children authority up to date and apply for a renewal prior to expiry.
      • Take appropriate action if an employee, volunteer, trainee student or school board member fails to submit a renewal application prior to their working with children authority expiring.
    • This commitment is evidence of The Village School Gold Coast’s fulfilment of the requirements of Schedule 1

High Risk Management Plans

The Village School Gold Coast is committed to identifying risks, assessing risks, eliminating and minimising risks and the monitoring of risk to the safety of students on an ongoing basis. The Village School Gold Coast will utilise various risk management tools to assist it in this process and will keep appropriate records of decisions made and actions taken in relation to risks to children.

This commitment is evidence of The Village School Gold Coast’s fulfilment of the requirements of Schedule 1 s.2(7).

Strategies of Communication and Support

The Village School Gold Coast’s commitment to making this Child Risk Management Strategy available to students, parents and employees via its staff and volunteer code of conduct, school website and electronic and/or hard copies upon request, is evidence of fulfilment of the requirements of Schedule 1 s.2(8)(a).

The Village School Gold Coast is committed to training employees in relation to risks to students and will conduct this training regularly via annual formal training events, informal updates at staff meetings and regular discussions between the principal and the school staff and volunteers. This is evidence of fulfilment of the requirements of Schedule 1 s.2(8)(b).


The Village School Gold Coast is responsible for developing and implementing this Child Risk Management Strategy and related policies and procedures to ensure it fulfils its obligations.

All employees at The Village School Gold Coast are responsible for acting in compliance with this Child Risk Management Strategy and related policies and procedures.

Compliance and Monitoring

The Village School Gold Coast is committed to the annual review of this Strategy. The Village School Gold Coast will also record, monitor and report to the school board regarding any breaches of the Strategy.

In addition, The Village School Gold Coast is committed to other various compliance and monitoring arrangements
made under relevant policies and procedures.

Helpful Links


Complaints Handling

November 1, 2020


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that student, parent and employee complaints and disputes are dealt with in a responsive, efficient, effective and fair way.


Students, parents and employees, including full-time, part-time, permanent, fixed term and casual employees, as well as contractors, volunteers and people undertaking work experience or vocational placements.

Policy Statement

The Village School Gold Coast is committed to ensuring that student, parent and employee complaints are dealt with in a responsive, efficient and effective and fair way.

The Village School Gold Coast views complaints as part of an important feedback and accountability process.

The Village School Gold Coast acknowledges the right of students, parents and employees to complain when dissatisfied with an action, inaction or decision of the school and the school encourages constructive criticism and complaints.

The Village School Gold Coast recognises that time spent on handling complaints can be an investment in better service to students, parents and employees.

Complaints That May Be Resolved Under This Policy

The Village School Gold Coast encourage students, parents and employees to promptly lodge any concerns regarding sexual harassment, child protection, discrimination, workplace bullying and privacy breaches, as well as more general complaints that include areas such as:

  • the school, its employees or students having done something wrong,
  • the school, its employees or students having failed to do something they should have done,
  • the school, its employees or students having acted unfairly or impolitely,
  • issues of student or employee behaviour that are contrary to their relevant Code of Conduct,
  • issues related to learning programs, assessment and reporting of student learning,
  • issues related to communication with students or parents or between employees,
  • issues related to school fees and payments, and/or
  • general administrative issues.

Student complaints may be brought by students or by parents on behalf of their children, as appropriate in the circumstances.

Issues Outside this Policy

The following matters are outside the scope of this policy and should be managed as follows:

  • Child protection concerns or risks of harm to children should be dealt with in accordance with the law and The Village School Gold Coast’s Child Protection Policy and Child Risk Management Strategy Document.
  • Employee complaints related to their employment should be directed to the Principal.
  • Student or employee violence or criminal matters should be directed to the Principal who will involve the Police as appropriate.
  • Formal legal proceedings.

Complaints Handling Principles

The Village School Gold Coast is committed to managing complaints according to the following principles:

  • complaints will be resolved with as little formality and disruption as possible,
  • complaints will be taken seriously,
  • anonymous complaints will be treated on their merits,
  • complaints will be dealt with fairly and objectively and in a timely manner,
  • The Village School Gold Coast will determine the appropriate person to deal with the complaint in the first instance. Complaints should be resolved with as little formality and disputation as possible,
  • mediation, negotiation and informal resolution are optional alternatives,
  • procedural fairness will be ensured wherever practicable, including the right of interested parties to the complaint to be heard,
  • confidentiality and privacy will be maintained as much as possible,
  • all parties to the complaints will be appropriately supported,
  • The Village School Gold Coast will give reasonable progress updates,
  • appropriate remedies will be offered and implemented,
  • a review pathway will be provided for parties to the complaint if warranted,
  • complainants, respondents and people associated with them will not be victimised as a result of lodging the complaints and they will not suffer any other reprisals,
  • the school will keep records of complaints, and
  • the school's insurer will be informed if a complaint could be connected to an insured risk.



The school has the following role and responsibilities:

  • develop, implement, promote and act in accordance with The Village School Gold Coast’s Complaints Handling Policy and Procedures,
  • appropriately communicate The Village School Gold Coast’s Complaints Handling Policy and Procedures to students, parents and employees,
  • ensure that the Complaints Handling procedures are readily accessible by staff, students and parents,
  • upon receipt of a complaint, manage the complaint in accordance with the Complaints Handling procedures,
  • ensure that appropriate support is provided to all parties to a complaint,
  • Item 4
  • take appropriate action to prevent victimisation or action in reprisal against the complainant, respondent or any person associated with them,
  • appropriately implement remedies,
  • appropriately train relevant employees,
  • keep thorough records,
  • conduct a review/audit of the Complaints Register annually,
  • monitor and report to the governing body on complaints monthly,
  • report to the school's insurer when that is relevant, and
  • refer to the school's governing body immediately regarding any claim for legal redress.

All Parties in a Dispute:

The complainant and respondent both have the following role and responsibilities:

  • apply and comply with The Village School Gold Coast’s Complaints Handling Policy and Procedures,
  • lodge the complaint as soon as possible after the issue arises,
  • expect that the complaint will be dealt with fairly and objectively; in a timely manner; with procedural fairness wherever practicable; that confidentiality and privacy will be maintained as much as possible,
  • provide complete and factual information in a timely manner,
  • not provide deliberately false or misleading information,
  • not make frivolous or vexatious complaints,
  • act in good faith, and in a calm and courteous manner,
  • act in a non-threatening manner,
  • to be appropriately supported,
  • acknowledge that a common goal is to achieve an outcome acceptable to all parties,
  • recognise that all parties have rights and responsibilities which must be balanced,
  • maintain and respect the privacy and confidentiality of all parties, and
  • not victimise or act in reprisal against any party to the dispute or any person associated with them.

Employees Receiving Complaints:

Employees receiving complaints have the following role and responsibilities:

  • act in accordance with The Village School Gold Coast’s Complaints Handling Policy and Procedures,
  • inform the party lodging the complaint of how complaints can be lodged, when they should be lodged and what information is required,
  • provide the complainant with information about any support or assistance available to assist them in lodging their complaint,
  • provide the complainant with a copy of The Village School Gold Coast’s Complaints Handling Policy and Procedures,
  • maintain confidentiality,
  • keep appropriate records,
  • to forward complaints to the principal, as appropriate, and
  • not victimise or act in reprisal against the complainant, respondent or any person associated with them.


The Village School Gold Coast is committed to raising awareness of the process for resolving complaints at the School, including by the development and implementation of this policy and related procedures and via the clear support and promotion of the policy and procedures.

The Village School Gold Coast is also committed to appropriately training relevant employees on how to resolve complaints in line with this policy and the related procedures. The Village School Gold Coast will keep appropriate records of complaints, will monitor complaints and their resolution and will report on a high-level basis to the school board on complaint handling at the school.

The Village School Gold Coast will act to encourage students, parents and employees to contribute to a healthy
school culture where complaints are resolved with as little formality and disruption as possible.


Enrolment Policy

February 1, 2020


To ensure an enrolment process which is transparent, fair and equitable and for the School to fulfil all obligations under the law regarding anti-discrimination. To provide a clear understanding of the terms in which enrolment will be offered to students.


The Village School Gold Coast LTD and employees of The Village School Gold Coast involved in the enrolment application process and all families and students who wish to enrol at The Village School Gold Coast.

Enrolment Process

In 2023, The Village School Gold Coast’s Enrolment process is as follows:

  1. Complete Waiting List Form and submit to Administration with proof of payment of Waiting List Application fee of $70/student (see The Village School's Fee Agreement and Policy and The Village School’s Waiting List Form Policy);
  2. Fill in an Interview Form and attend an interview with the Principal;
  3. An enrolment offer will then be considered when a space becomes available (see The Village School's Enrolment Policy below). In the event that a School Enrolment Position is offered, a family will receive notice of this in writing. Please note, acceptance of the offer of enrolment is performed once the following occurs:
    1. An Enrolment Administration fee of $125 per child has been paid (see The Village School's Fee Agreement);
    2. The Enrolment Form and Contract is completed and signed;
    3. A copy of the prospective student’s birth certificate has been provided;
    4. Current relevant medical reports/information has been provided (this includes allergies, asthma, diabetes, etc and is necessary to ensure The School can meet the needs of the student);
    5. Any relevant allied health professional reports has been provided (this includes speech, occupational therapy, psychologist, etc and are necessary to ensure The School can meet the needs of the student);
    6. Any court or parenting orders in relation to the guardianship arrangements of the student. The Enrolment Application will not be reviewed or processed until the fee and all supporting documents have been provided (where applicable) and
    7. The Enrolment Bond of $1,000 has been paid (see The Village School's Fee Agreement).

The forms and fees need to be received within 14 days. Failure to complete the forms and payment within the required time may result in the placement being offered to another child.

When the signed Enrolment Form, Enrolment Contract, Administration fee and Enrolment Bond have been received, the student is considered to be enrolled.

The Village School Gold Coast’s Enrolment Policy

  1. This Policy shall remain in force until such time as changed by The Village School Gold Coast’s Board of Directors (the 'Board').
  2. Whilst it is the aim of the Board to review this Policy on an annual basis, the Board reserves the right to change this Policy at any time.
  3. The Village School Gold Coast welcomes the enrolment of all children whose families support and share the Village School’s philosophy and values.
  4. An Offer of Enrolment will be determined by the School Principal with consideration given to the mission and vision of the school, its philosophies and values, the well-being of its student body and the School’s human, financial and physical resourcing capacities. In addition to our priority of families who support and share the Village School’s philosophy and values, we also consider, but in no order of priority:
    • Commitment to maintain the long-term enrolment;
    • Commitment to developing strong ties between home and school;
    • Class sizes and places available in the relevant year;
    • Siblings of current or past students;
    • Children of The Village School employees;
    • Children with special needs and behavioural support history including advice from specialists, previous teachers and/or principal, and the school’s ability to; meet the child’s needs, the adjustments needed are aligned with our school's philosophy and values and the school's capacity to resource identified additional learning and/or support needs; or
    • Any history of aggression or pattern of disruptive behaviours including disrespecting others and disengagement from school.
  5. The School will only offer enrolment places to those families that have completed the Enrolment Process.
  6. Being a “Village” family requires the "village" approach, which including spending time at School during school hours as well as out of school hours in any or all of the following:
    • Participation in your child's classroom;
    • Attendance at and participation in classroom Parent-Teacher meetings;
    • Village Community Contribution (eg. Village meetings, fundraising involvement, discussions etc) and
    • Fees being paid up-to-date, or an agreed payment plan in place.
  7. The School reserves the right to discontinue a child's enrolment if the above conditions are not met.


School Fees Policy

November 1, 2020


To ensure an enrolment process which is transparent, fair and to allow parents/carers to make an informed decision about enrolling their child and the cost incurred. To provide a clear understanding of the fees involved for future students intending to attend the School.


The Village School Gold Coast LTD and employees of The Village School Gold Coast involved in the enrolment application process and all families and students who wish to enrol at The Village School Gold Coast.

Fee Agreement

At The Village School Gold Coast, school fees are used in conjunction with Commonwealth and State funding to provide high quality teaching and learning resources, as well as high adult to child classroom ratios.

2023 Schedule of Fees and Levies

  • Annual fee: $7,495.75
  • Term: $1,873.94
  • Sibling Discount: $50 off sibling/year and $75 for second and subsequent siblings
  • Enrolment Administration Fee: $125 (non-refundable) paid with submission of every application form.
  • Enrolment Bond: $1,000 (refundable* **) per child to confirm an enrolment offer made by the School.

*These fees are inclusive of tuition, stationery, learning materials, subscriptions, incursions and excursions (excluding bus transfers).

Building Fund

The Village School Gold Coast requests that families consider contributing $50 per term per family to the School’s Building Fund. These optional contributions are directed towards the acquisition, construction or maintenance of school buildings.

Fundraising Levy

An optional contribution of $25 charged per term per family in lieu of an expectation that members of The Village School Gold Coast contribute to fundraising efforts. Please advise the School if you would like this levy NOT added to your term fees.

Waiting List Application Fee

$70 non-refundable for every application made and $50 for every subsequent sibling application (non-refundable).

Enrolment Application Fee

$125 paid with submission of every application form. This fee covers the administrative costs of enrolment and initial interview.

Enrolment Bond

An enrolment bond of $1,000 is payable per child to confirm an enrolment offer. Receipt of this payment holds a position for the child in the School.

The enrolment bond is refundable upon request, in writing and within the calendar year, on completion of Year 6. All term fees and outstanding accounts must be paid in full to be eligible.

Should the bond be paid, and the student’s enrolment is cancelled prior to entering the School, the deposit will be forfeited by parents. In exceptional circumstances, where the parents can demonstrate to the Principal that factors quite outside their control led to the cancellation, they may apply for a refund of the deposit. However, any refund is entirely at the discretion of the Principal.

Excursions and Incursions

Incursions and excursions are included in your annual school fee price (excluding bus transfers, which will be added to be added to your term’s invoice).


Families will be advised of any additional costs in advance of planned camps.

The Village School Gold Coast’s Fee Policy:

  1. Fees detailed are effective from 1 January each calendar year and shall remain in force until such time as changed by The Village School Gold Coast’s Board of Directors (the 'Board'.)
  2. Whilst it is the general practice of the Board to review and set fees on an annual basis, the Board reserves the right to change these fees at any time.
  3. As outlined in The Village School Gold Coast’s Fee Agreement, fees fall due at the beginning of the period they cover and are payable in advance of the term they cover.
  4. Please contact the School for advice in the event that you are unable to pay the fees by the due date
  5. Should fees fail to be maintained, or after repeated failure to meet the negotiated payment schedules then the School may:
    1. apply an administrative fee of 10% interest per term to the outstanding balance of tuition fees from that point on;
    2. direct unpaid accounts to a Collection Agency and/or take legal action with any associated costs payable by the parent/guardian of the enrolled student; and/or
    3. terminate the enrolment of the student(s) to whom this point applies.
  6. If a student is to leave the School before Graduation, it is a condition of enrolment that parents/guardians must give a full term’s notice in writing to the Principal. This written notice must be received no later than the commencement of the last term of attendance. If notice is not given in full, parents/guardians agree to pay one term’s full fees. This amount is a genuine pre-estimate of the losses and damages incurred by the School in having allocated resources, planning and expenditure related to the student.


Privacy Policy

November 1, 2020


The Village School Gold Coast is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act. This statement outlines the privacy policy of the School and describes how the School uses and manages personal information provided to or collected by it.


he policy applies to board members, employers, employees, volunteers, parents/guardians and students, contractors and people visiting the School site; and describes the type of information the School collects, how the information is handled, how and to whom the information is disclosed and how the information may be accessed.

Exception in Relation to Employee Records

Under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), the Australian Privacy Principles do not apply to an employee record held by the employing entity. As a result, this Privacy Policy does not apply to The Village School Gold Coast’s treatment of an employee record, where the treatment is directly related to a current or former employment relationship between The Village School Gold Coast and employee


The type of information The Village School Gold Coast collects and holds includes (but is not limited to) personal information, including health and other sensitive information, about;

  • students and parents and/or guardians ('Parents') before, during and after the course of a student's enrolment at the School:
    • name, contact details (including next of kin), date of birth, gender, language background and previous school;
    • parents' education, occupation and language background;
    • medical information (e.g. details of disability and/or allergies, absence notes, medical reports and names of doctors);
    • conduct and complaint records, or other behaviour notes, and school reports; information about referrals to government welfare agencies;
    • counselling reports;
    • health fund details and Medicare number;
    • any court orders;
    • volunteering information; and
    • photos and videos at school events.
  • job applicants, staff members, volunteers and contractors:
    • name, contact details (including next of kin) and date of birth;
    • information on job application;
    • professional development history;
    • salary and payment information, including superannuation details;
    • medical information (e.g. details of disability and/or allergies, and medical certificates);
    • complaint records and investigation reports;
    • leave details;
    • photos and videos at school events;
    • workplace surveillance information;
    • work emails and private emails (when using work email address) and Internet browsing history
  • other people who come into contact with the School including name and contact details and any other information necessary for the particular contact with the School.

Personal Information you provide

The Village School Gold Coast will generally collect personal information held about an individual by way of forms filled out by parents or students, face-to-face meetings and interviews, emails and telephone calls. On occasions people other than parents and students provide personal information.

Personal Information provided by other people

In some circumstances The Village School Gold Coast may be provided with personal information about an individual from a third party, for example a report provided by a medical professional or a reference from another school.

How will the School use the personal information you provide?

The Village School Gold Coast will use personal information it collects from you for the primary purpose of collection and for such other secondary purposes that are related to the primary purpose of collection and reasonably expected by you, or to which you have consented.

Students and Parents

In relation to personal information of students and parents, The Village School Gold Coast’s primary purpose of collection is to enable The Village School Gold Coast to provide schooling to students enrolled at the school, exercise its duty of care and perform necessary associated administrative activities, which will enable students to take part in all the activities of the school. This includes satisfying the needs of parents, the needs of the students and the needs of The Village School Gold Coast throughout the whole period the student is enrolled at the School.

The purposes for which The Village School Gold Coast uses personal information of students and parents include:

  • to keep parents informed about matters related to their child's schooling, through correspondence
  • day-to-day administration of The Village School Gold Coast
  • looking after student's educational, social and medical well-being
  • seeking donations and marketing for The Village School Gold Coast
  • to satisfy The Village School Gold Coast’s legal obligations and allow the school to discharge its duty of care.

In some cases where The Village School Gold Coast requests personal information about a student or parent and the information requested is not provided, The Village School Gold Coast may not be able to enrol or continue the enrolment of the student or permit the student to take part in a particular activity.

On occasions information such as events, student activities and similar news is published on the School’s social media pages and on our website, this may include photographs and videos of student activities such as community events, school camps and school excursions. The School will obtain permissions [annually] from the student's parent or guardian (and from the student if appropriate) if we would like to include such photographs or videos [or other identifying material] in our promotional material or make this material available to the public such as on the internet.

Job applicants, Staff Members and Contractors

In relation to personal information of job applicants, staff members and contractors, The Village School Gold Coast’s primary purpose of collection is to assess and (if successful) to engage the applicant, staff member or contractor, as the case may be.

The purposes for which The Village School Gold Coast uses personal information of job applicants, staff members and contractors include:

  • in administering the individual's employment or contract, as the case may be
  • for insurance purposes
  • seeking donations and marketing for the School
  • to satisfy the School's legal obligations, for example, in relation to child protection legislation


The School also obtains personal information about volunteers who assist The Village School Gold Coast in its functions or conduct associated activities, to enable The Village School Gold Coast and the volunteers to work together.

Who might the School disclose Personal Information to and store your information with?

The Village School Gold Coast may disclose personal information, including sensitive information, held about an individual for educational, legal, administrative, marketing and support purposes. This may include to:

  • another school or staff at another school
  • government departments (including for policy and funding purposes)
  • medical practitioners
  • people providing educational, support and health services to the School, including specialist visiting teachers, [sports] coaches, volunteers, counsellors and providers of learning and assessment tools
  • assessment and educational authorities, including the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and NAPLAN Test Administration Authorities (who will disclose it to the entity that manages the online platform for NAPLAN)
  • people providing administrative and financial services to The Village School Gold Coast
  • students' parents or guardians
  • anyone you authorise The Village School Gold Coast to disclose information to
  • anyone to whom we are required or authorised to disclose the information to by law, including child protection laws

Sending and Storing Information Overseas

The Village School Gold Coast will not send personal information about an individual outside Australia without:

  • obtaining the consent of the individual (in some cases this consent will be implied)
  • otherwise complying with the Australian Privacy Principles or other applicable privacy legislation.

The Village School Gold Coast may use online or 'cloud' service providers to store personal information and to provide services to The Village School Gold Coast that involve the use of personal information, such as services relating to email, instant messaging and education and assessment applications. Some limited personal information may also be provided to these service providers to enable them to authenticate users that access their services. This personal information may be stored in the 'cloud' which means that it may reside on a cloud service provider’s server which may be situated outside Australia. However, The Village School Gold Coast will endeavour to use servers based in Australia. An example of such a cloud service provider is Microsoft 365 with servers based in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Sensitive Information

In referring to 'sensitive information', The Village School Gold Coast means: information relating to a person's racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion, trade union or other professional or trade association membership, philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation or practices or criminal record, that is also personal information; health information and biometric information about an individual.

Sensitive information will be used and disclosed only for the purpose for which it was provided or a directly related secondary purpose (unless you agree otherwise) or the use or disclosure of the sensitive information is required by law.

Management and Security of Personal Information

The Village School Gold Coast‘s staff are required to respect the confidentiality of students' and parents' personal information and the privacy of individuals. The School has in place steps to protect personal information. The Village School Gold Coast holds from; misuse, interference and loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure by use of various methods including locked storage of paper records and password access rights to computerised records.

Data Breaches

It will be deemed that an ‘eligible data breach’ has occurred if:

  • there has been unauthorised access to, or unauthorised disclosure of, personal information about one or more individuals (the affected individuals)
  • a reasonable person would conclude there is a likelihood of serious harm to any affected individuals as a result
  • the information is lost in circumstances where:
    • unauthorised access to, or unauthorised disclosure of, the information is likely to occur
    • assuming unauthorised access to, or unauthorised disclosure of, the information was to occur, a reasonable person would conclude that it would be likely to result in serious harm to the affected individuals.

Serious harm may include serious physical, psychological, emotional, economic and financial harm, as well as serious harm to reputation.

What must the school do in the event of an ‘eligible data breach’?

If The Village School Gold Coast suspects that an eligible data breach has occurred, it will carry out a reasonable and expedient assessment/investigation within 30 days of becoming aware of the suspected eligible data breach

If such an assessment/investigation indicates there are reasonable grounds to believe an eligible data breach has occurred, then The Village School Gold Coast will be required to lodge a statement to the Privacy Commissioner (Commissioner). Where practical to do so, the school entity will also notify the affected individuals. If it is not practicable to notify the affected individuals, The Village School Gold Coast will publish a copy of the statement on its website or publicise it in another manner.

Exception to notification obligation

An exception to the requirement to notify will exist if there is a data breach and immediate remedial action is taken and as a result of that action:

  • there is no unauthorised access to, or unauthorised disclosure of, the information
  • there is no serious harm to affected individuals, and as a result of the remedial action, a reasonable person would conclude the breach is not likely to result in serious harm

Access and Correction of Personal Information

Under the Privacy Act, an individual has the right to seek and obtain access to any personal information which The Village School Gold Coast holds about them and to advise The School of any perceived inaccuracy. There are some exceptions to this right set out in the Act. Students will generally be able to access and update their personal information through their parents, but older students may seek access and correction themselves.

To make a request to access or to update any personal information The Village School Gold Coast holds about you or your child, please contact the School Principal in writing. The School may require you to verify your identity and specify what information you require. The Village School Gold Coast may charge a fee to cover the cost of verifying your application and locating, retrieving, reviewing and copying any material requested. If the information sought is extensive, the School will advise the likely cost in advance. If we cannot provide you with access to the information, we will provide you with written notice explaining the reasons for refusal

The School will take reasonable steps to ensure that any personal information is accurate, up to date, complete, relevant and not misleading.

Consent and Rights of Access to the Personal Information of Students

The Village School Gold Coast respects every parent's right to make decisions concerning their child's education. Generally, the School will refer any requests for consent and notices in relation to the personal information of a student to the student's parents. The Village School Gold Coast will treat consent given by parents as consent given on behalf of the student and notice to parents will act as notice given to the student.

As mentioned above, parents may seek access to personal information held by The Village School Gold Coast about them or their child by contacting the School Principal. However, there will be occasions when access is denied. Such occasions would include where release of the information would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others, or where the release may result in a breach of The Village School Gold Coast‘s duty of care to a student.

The School may, at its discretion, on the request of a student grant that student access to information held by the School about them, or allow a student to give or withhold consent to the use of their personal information, independently of their parents. This would normally be done only when the maturity of the student and/or the student's personal circumstances warrant it.

Enquiries and Complaints

If you would like further information about the way The Village School Gold Coast manages the personal information it holds, or wish to make a complaint about The Village School Gold Coast’s breach of the Australian Privacy Principles please contact the School Principal on (07) 56 200 413 or on 0493 123 700 or via hello@thevillageschoolgoldcoast.com.au . The Village School Gold Coast will investigate any complaint and will notify you of the making of a decision in relation to your complaint as soon as is practicable after it has been made.


Student Disability

November 1, 2020


The purpose of this policy is to protect students with a disability or students who have an associate with a disability from unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation on the basis of that disability


Students and employees, including full-time, part-time, permanent, fixed term and casual employees, as well as contractors, volunteers and people undertaking work experience or vocational placements (referred to as staff and students)

Policy Statement

All staff and students at The Village School Gold Coast (also The School) have the right to learn in an environment free from unlawful discrimination. The School will provide a fair and safe learning environment where all students have equal opportunities. The School will ensure that students with a disability are provided with opportunities to realise their potential through participating in education and training on the same basis as other students. Similarly, all staff with a disability will have the same opportunities as all staff members.

In accordance with relevant law, The Village School Gold Coast is committed, whilst students are engaging in their education, to protecting students with a disability, and students associated with a person where that person has a disability, from both direct and indirect:

  • Discrimination based on disability
  • Harassment and victimisation based on disability

In accordance with the relevant law, The School will take reasonable steps to prevent unlawful discrimination, including harassment and victimisation, against students based on disability in all facets of education at The Village School Gold Coast including:

  • enrolment
  • participation
  • curriculum development, accreditation, and delivery
  • student support services

The Village School Gold Coast will make reasonable adjustments that do not cause unjustifiable hardship to ensure this equality of access and participation.

The School is committed to responding appropriately should such discrimination, harassment or victimisation occur, including possible disciplinary action. Any instances of disability discrimination, harassment or victimisation should be reported under The Village School Gold Coast Dispute Resolution Policy. This applies to both students and staff.


Disability: in relation to a person, means:

  1. total or partial loss of the person’s bodily or mental functions; or
  2. total or partial loss of a part of the body; or
  3. the presence in the body of organisms causing disease or illness; or
  4. the presence in the body of organisms capable of causing disease or illness; or
  5. the malfunction, malformation, or disfigurement of a part of the person’s body; or
  6. a disorder or malfunction that results in the person learning differently from a person without the disorder or malfunction; or
  7. a disorder, illness or disease that affects a person’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgement or that results in disturbed behaviour.
  8. and includes a disability that:
    • presently exists; or
    • previously existed but no longer exists; or
    • may exist in the future (including because of a genetic predisposition to that disability); or k) is imputed to a person.
    • Item 4
  9. To avoid doubt, a disability that is otherwise covered by this definition includes behaviour that is a symptom or manifestation of the disability.

Associate, in relation to a person includes:

  1. a spouse of the person; and
  2. another person who is living with the person on a genuine domestic basis; and
  3. a relative of the person;
  4. a carer of the person;
  5. another person who is in a business, sporting, or recreational relationship with the person.

Direct Disability Discrimination: a person (the discriminator) discriminates against another person (the aggrieved person) on the grounds of a disability of the aggrieved person if, because of the disability, the discriminator treats, or proposes to treat, the aggrieved person less favourably than the discriminator would treat a person without the disability in circumstances that are not materially different.

A person (the discriminator) also discriminates against another person (the aggrieved person) on the grounds of a disability of the aggrieved person if:

  1. the discriminator does not make, or proposes not to make, reasonable adjustments for the person; and
  2. the failure to make the reasonable adjustments has, or would have, the effect that the aggrieved person is, because of the disability, treated less favourably than a person without the disability would be treated in circumstances that are not materially different.

Indirect Disability Discrimination: a person (the discriminator) discriminates against another person (the aggrieved person) on the ground of a disability of the aggrieved person if:

  1. The discriminator requires, or proposes to require, the aggrieved person to comply with a requirement or condition; and
  2. Because of the disability, the aggrieved person does not or would not comply, or is not able or would not be able to comply, with the requirement or condition
  3. The requirement or condition has, or is likely to have, the effect of disadvantaging persons with the disability.

A person (the discriminator) also discriminates against another person (the aggrieved person) on the ground of a disability of the aggrieved person if:

  1. the discriminator requires, or proposes to require, the aggrieved person to comply with a requirement or condition; and
  2. because of the disability, the aggrieved person would comply, or would be able to comply, with the requirement or condition only if the discriminator made reasonable adjustments for the person, but the discriminator does not do so or proposes not to do so; and
  3. the failure to make reasonable adjustments has, or is likely to have, the effect of disadvantaging persons with the disability.


School Responsibilities

The Village School Gold Coast will not unlawfully discriminate, harass, or victimise a student on the ground of the student’s disability or a disability of any associate of a student. The school acknowledges that its responsibilities are as follows:

  • Enrolment - The Village School Gold Coast will take reasonable steps to ensure that a student with a disability is able to seek admission to, or apply for enrolment in, the school on the same basis as a prospective student without a disability, and without experiencing discrimination.
  • Identification – The School will take reasonable steps to identify students requiring educational adjustments, including those with a disability, and consult with families/carers to develop a support plan.
  • Participation - The Village School Gold Coast will take reasonable steps to ensure that a student with a disability is able to participate in the courses or programs provided by the school, and use the facilities and services provided by it, on the same basis as a student without a disability, and without experiencing discrimination.
  • Curriculum development, accreditation and delivery - The Village School Gold Coast will take reasonable steps to ensure that courses and programs are designed in such a way that a student with a disability is able to participate in the learning experiences (including the assessment and certification requirements) of the course and program on the same basis a student without a disability, and without experiencing discrimination.
  • Support services - The Village School Gold Coast will take reasonable steps to ensure that a student with a disability is able to use support services used by other students of the school in general on the same basis as a student without a disability, and without experiencing discrimination.
  • Harassment and victimisation - The Village School Gold Coast will develop and implement strategies and programs to prevent harassment or victimisation of a student with a disability, or a student who has an associate with a disability, in relation to the disability.

Reasonable steps will depend upon the specific circumstances at the time but may include reasonable adjustments that do not impose an unjustifiable hardship.

When considering an adjustment for a student with a disability, any confidential information provided to The Village School Gold Coast will not be disclosed except for the purposes of the adjustment or in accordance with a lawful requirement, in compliance with The Village School Gold Coast Privacy Policy.

Student and Employee Responsibilities

All students and employees at The Village School Gold Coast have a responsibility not to engage in discriminatory conduct, including harassment and victimisation, and to uphold the school’s policies on these issues. If students, parents, or employees believe that this type of behaviour is occurring in the school, they are able to make a complaint under The Village School Gold Coast Dispute Resolution Policy.

The Village School Gold Coast:

  • Supports the rights of people with a disability to work, study and participate in an environment free from discrimination and in an atmosphere that is conducive to realisation of their true potential.
  • Makes a commitment to provide staff members with resources to reasonably adjust their workplace, where doing so will not cause unjustifiable hardship to the School.
  • akes all reasonable steps to ensure that adjustments for staff with a disability neither advantages nor disadvantages them in comparison to other staff members.
  • That no staff member will be disadvantaged as a result of a colleague’s disability.
  • Continues to plan, develop implement, and improve on strategies, programs, policies, and guidelines that provide equitable access to employment opportunities, professional development, and career opportunities.
  • Maintains confidentiality of information provided by staff in relation to their disability. Staff are not required to disclose their disability unless they are seeking accommodations or workplace adjustments. Detailed information may be required to support services and/or external agencies in order to make adjustments and request specialised equipment.
  • Takes all reasonable steps to identify and eliminate unlawful discrimination of staff with disabilities.
  • Deals with complaints in accordance with the dispute resolution policy.


Awareness - regularly raise awareness via the clear support and promotion of the policy.

Training - regularly educate and train employees (especially senior staff) appropriately on how to manage any breaches of the policy.

Record keeping, monitoring, reporting – keep appropriate records, monitor, and report on instances of discrimination.

Culture - removal of any materials, rules and practices that may increase the discrimination, and encourage students, parents, and employees to contribute to an inclusive culture.


Waiting List Policy

November 1, 2020


To ensure an enrolment process which is transparent, fair and equitable and for the School to fulfil all obligations under the law regarding anti-discrimination. To provide a clear understanding of the terms in which enrolment will be offered to students beginning with a Waiting List form.


The Village School Gold Coast LTD and employees of The Village School Gold Coast involved in the enrolment application process and all families and students who wish to enrol at The Village School Gold Coast.

The Village School Gold Coast’s Waiting List Policy

  1. This Policy shall remain in force until such time as changed by The Village School Gold Coast’s Board of Directors (the 'Board').
  2. Whilst it is the aim of the Board to review this Policy on an annual basis, the Board reserves the right to change this Policy at any time.
  3. Families seeking enrolment at The School are required to complete a Waiting List Application to be placed on the respective Waiting List for that Year Level.
  4. The School does not divulge details of Waiting Lists to prospective parents. Information with regard to the relative position of applicants on a Waiting List is for School use only.
  5. The Waiting List Fee is a non-refundable registration fee and is to accompany applications regardless of whether or not a position is currently available (See The Village School Gold Coast’s Fee Agreement and Policy).
  6. Enrolment is subject to a satisfactory interview with the Principal and the provision of any  necessary documentation as determined by the Principal, or to satisfy the enrolment process (e.g., birth certificate, student reports from previous schools, medical assessments etc.).
  7. In the event of a position becoming available, the School will contact applicants from the Waiting List and arrange an interview prior to the consideration of offering a position. Parents/carers and the applicant are required to attend the interview.
  8. An Offer of Enrolment will be determined by the School Principal with consideration given to the mission and vision of the school, its philosophies and values, the well-being of its student body and the School’s human, financial and physical resourcing capacities. In addition to our priority of families who support and share the Village School’s philosophy and values, we also consider, but in no order of priority:
    • Commitment to maintain the long-term enrolment;
    • Commitment to developing strong ties between home and school;
    • Class sizes and places available in the relevant year;
    • Siblings of current or past students;
    • Children of The Village School employees;
    • Children with special needs and behavioural support history including advice from specialists, previous teachers and/or principal, and the school’s ability to; meet the child’s needs, the adjustments needed are aligned with our school's philosophy and values and the school's capacity to resource identified additional learning and/or support needs; or
    • Any history of aggression or pattern of disruptive behaviours including disrespecting others and disengagement from school.
  9. Date of Waiting List Application processed (form and fee received and receipt emailed) is a factor taken into consideration when considering applicants for an available position.
  10. Student enrolment is ultimately the responsibility of School Board; however, the Principal administers enrolment procedures on a day-to-day basis. In special circumstances the Principal may seek the opinion and decision of the School Board.
  11. Your Waiting List Form cannot be processed until the funds have been received in the School’s nominated bank account. You will receive notification of when your form and funds have been processed by the School Administrator via email.
  12. Waiting List Forms that are not shortlisted will be retained for 6 months after the outcome has been communicated. Outcomes may include being offered an enrolment position or nominating to be kept on the list for later years should a place become available.
  13. It is your responsibility to keep the School updated with any change of contact details to ensure you receive relevant notification.
