About Us
The Village School Gold Coast inspires the next generation of learners to be a positive change in our world by forging strong community relations in a safe, supportive and inclusive environment.
Providing students with adaptive 21st Century skills through real-world, purposeful experiences embracing community involvement
The Village School Gold Coast will follow a mix of learning philosophies, such as. It will offer Prep to Year 6 primary schooling through two mixed aged classes namely, Prep-Year 2 and Year 3 – Year 6 with whole school, classroom, age group and individual learning opportunities. This allows for identification of individual strengths and gaps in their learning, ensuring each student has a personal learning plan created to ensure that each is supported or extended as needed.
Teachers will be delivering learning through the Australian Curriculum via daily focussed English and Numeracy lessons, and Science or Humanities and Social Science as (HaSS) integrated thematic units inspired by Kath Murdoch’s inquiry cycle. Spending an hour outdoors exploring the surrounding community on a daily basis allows for authentic learning and connection opportunities to occur as guided by the School’s Place-Based Education. Place-Based Education involves exploring the beaches, river mouth, parks, local sporting clubs and attractions allowing for the students to understand their place within the community, by observing how the community works and interacts around and with them.
Our Mission
The Village School Gold Coast co-constructs learning pathways to provide students with adaptive 21st Century skills through real-world, purposeful experiences embracing community involvement.
Our Belief
- Using evidence-based learning is best practice
- Students are allowed to feel safe and valued
- Learning is transparent, purposeful and is focused on real world issues and skills that are future applicable
- Emotional intelligence is just as important as academic intelligence
- Parental and community involvement enhances learning

Our Charter
- Allow children to learn through their independent exploration
- Ensure dedicated teachers are there to guide, consolidate and extend student’s learning
- Use the Australian Curriculum to deliver planned and authentic learning and assessment experiences that consider the individual needs of each child
- Allow children to investigate their strengths and identify their weaknesses to overcome challenges
- Inspire children so they learn that they are valued and have the capacity to contribute to a prosperous and harmonious current and future society
- Provide opportunities for children to understand themselves first as learners and ultimately develop a love for life-long learning
- Use Place-Based Learning to develop stronger partnerships through community participation and regularly involve the parents and family members
- Build authentic connections between the curriculum and real-world environments
- Build on their current values to being a joyful, respectful and engaged learner
- Lead students in responding from their thinking brain and not their emotional brain to optimise learning