Our Philosophy
Using Place-Based Learning to develop stronger partnerships through community participation and regularly involving parents and family members to provide a strong sense of community and self.
Allowing children to investigate their strengths and identify their weaknesses to overcome challenges
The Village School Gold Coast endeavours to use an integrated approach to the National Australian Curriculum through project- and curiosity-based learning. This is achieved when a child’s interests are engaged, exploration through play, asking of questions and encouragement to share findings with an authentic audience. The Village School Gold Coast believes this process, where knowledge is co-constructed, is essential to a child’s development and understanding of the world around them. By equipping our students with connectivity to their surroundings, community and environment, along with an understanding of how these elements interact and effect them, we are providing them with an integral platform to further their learning in senior years, as well as adapt to challenges in new situations.
Our Values
Motivated by Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle where everything begins with the why, The Village School Gold Coast’s values follow the same knowledge, with curiosity at the centre before going wider to include awareness and finally the value of nurture.

Curiosity – Why am I learning this?
Children are naturally inquisitive and learn through their independent exploration, with guidance to consolidate and extend their learning.
Our mission is to deliver planned and organic learning experiences which considers the individual needs and interests of the child.

Awareness – How will I learn this?
The brain learns naturally. By laying down necessary neural pathways, children investigate their strengths and identify their weaknesses to overcome challenges to make a difference in the world.
Children learn that they are valued and have the capacity to contribute to a prosperous and harmonious society, now and in the future. Our intention is that children come to understand themselves first as learners and ultimately develop a love for life-long learning

Nurture – What can I do with this?
Developing stronger partnerships through community participation and parent involvement is an essential element for authentic connections between the curriculum and real-world environments.
Knowledge is power. The way a child perceives, reacts and interacts with their environment is crucial to being a joyful, respectful and an engaged learner. Children are led to respond from their thinking brain and not respond from their emotional brain to optimise learning.